Over the weekend of 23-24th October, a few of us went to Perak, namely the towns of Ipoh, Sitiawan and Pulau Pangkor to make arrangements for 3rd KL's Year End Camp.
It looks like it's going to be a good one.
Pangkor - quite a few water based activities lined up as well as an expedition course
Checking out Gua Tempurung - Caving cum River trekking
Seniors thinking of missing it, think again - you will miss the fun
I am an officer with the 3rd Kuala Lumpur Company, who previously worked as a full-time officer for the BB's Kuala Lumpur State Council between October 2011 until January 2014, prior to that serving a year and 8 months at the BBM Headquarters. I've returned to active service in the 3rd KL company after a three year absence while undertaking my undergraduate studies in Business and Commerce, as well as a Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management in Monash University, Melbourne, between 2007-2009. In 2014, I took a "BB Sabbatical" and resumed my studies, qualifying with a Master of Public Policy and Management. I am NOT a BB freak, but I do enjoy serving God and doing what I can for young people in this ministry. Here are some of my happenings as a son of the Brigade.