Sunday, October 28, 2012

12th KL's Enrollment & Awards Day

On a early Sunday morning, Mr Tony Chow, Madam Yvonne and I headed to a remote factory area in Kepong to attend the 12th Kuala Lumpur Company Enrollment and Awards Day. It was quite a challenge looking for the place, as the road name indicated wasn't listed on Google Maps and the map provided by Wesley Methodist Church Kepong where the event was held, was pretty confusing. Fortunately, we managed to stumble upon some road signs pointing us to the church - and just in time. Mr Tony was the VIP for the event and we arrived with just 5 minutes to spare.

12th KL's Guard of Honour being inspected by the State Commissioner and Pastor Tan Chew Mae
The Guard of Honor was already assembled when we arrived. I helped teach them a simple one a week before as teaching them the whole thing would take a long time. I think they did alright in the end. 

Mr Nicholas Yeap was the liturgist of the day
12th KL had a change in captaincy at the beginning of this year, where Mr Nicholas Yeap, took up the mantle. Unfortunately, he was also the only officer in the company with a growing membership, exceeding 40 Boys this year. A former 2nd Kampar Boy under the captaincy of then National President, Mr Tham Leong, who also pretty much the only officer in the company, Mr Yeap knows it is not impossible to run a company with just NCOs acting as officers. Though the foundations for that are still being laid, the results and growth of 12th KL are quite promising.

With the new batch of NCOs being promoted during this event, the company has much to look forward to as it continues to develop its leaders. The school where 12th KL recruits from, the Wesley Methodist School  Kuala Lumpur is known for admitting Top-Class students, which for me meant they are easier to train and teach (as compared to somewhere not bright where you may need to repeat 10 times before they understand you).

The days proceeded very smoothly with Nicholas handling almost everything except the praise and worship. Mr Tony Chow as well as Madam Chia, the principal of WMSKL, was asked to give out awards and chevrons to the eager Boys. Prior to that, the LCEC leader of the church, who was a very successful businessman, presented his life testimony of his careers ad ambitions to serve as an inspiration to the Boys.

At one point tokens of appreciations were given out to helpers who have contributed to the company throughout the course of the year. I was a little surprised when my name was called out as well.. as I felt I didn't do very much. Thank you very much 12th KL! I appreciate the blessing =)

It is very exciting to see what this company will become in the coming years. Definitely one we should keep an eye on. Let our prayers be with them as they strive even further. Also pray that more adults will volunteer to assist in the weekly parades as to lessen the burden from Nicholas.

All smiles at the 12th KL Enrollment and Awards Day

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Service and Sacrifice!

This year's Founders' Day celebrations was hosted by 3rd KL and is the first time I've been (sort of) involved in the planning, though I played a more distant role than I am originally accustomed to. The person in-charge was Mr. Wong Hoe Kit and a team of Staff Sergeants who formed the main committee. I'm glad to say that they did a fantastic job in organising the whole thing.

 The event was a relatively straight forward one with the day starting at 8.30am with the arrival of companies at the Methodist College Kuala Lumpur, the same venue used in the last Founders' Day two years ago. The Guard of Honour, which comprised of NCOs and representatives from all the KL companies present, was inspected by Mr. Francis Chiong, the Executive Secretary of BB Asia. Mr Cheong Sing Yuen, the Vice-President of th Stedfast Association of Kuala Lumpur gave the opening prayer followed by a speech from Mr. Tony Chow,the KL State Commissioner.

After a group photo session, the 350 of so participants proceeded into thee auditorium for the service proper. The event, afterall, is to celebrate the life of the Founder. This year's Founders' Day featured something new, where for the first time all companies brought their colours which were marched in and displayed for all to see. I thought it was really nice to see all the colours of the KL companies in one place.

Praise and worship was lead by Lance Corporal Au Kar Fei and the 1st KL team. Followed by a message by Reverend Chieng Yu Hoo, who was a former Boy and Officer from the 1st Sibu Company. It was also the first time (in a very long time anyway) where I was the MC, or kinda like the liturgist, though I didn't quite follow the full Methodist order of worship since it was a mixture of denominations anyway. Reverend Chieng preach on a timely message calling both present and former members of the BB to remember the contributions made by the Founder during his days, where Sir William Alexander Smith was responding to the needs during his time where the Boys under his care were a rowdy bunch in need of discipline. Today, there is still a need for the young people around, with so many Boys in need of the BB training but so few are stepping forward. In this ministry, in order to serve sacrifices need to be made. Reverend Chieng concludes by urging all those listening to step up and step forward in service to the BB ministry. I sure hope some people were moved by his message and KL State will get more officers.. God willing.

Rev. Cheing Yu Hoo (left) giving the days message, effectively translated by Mr Andrew Tan

The day progress on with refreshments as participants shed their ceremonial uniforms for a more casual sports attire for the telematch. With 15 or so station games and 10 groups with teammates mixed among the companies, the participants had much to work on to get as many points as they could to win the top prizes, which came in the form of hampers. The first placed team received USB thumbdrives courtesy of the Methodist College Kuala Lumpur.

We had a special guest all the way from the United Kingdom in the form of Mr Clive McIntosh, who is the captain of the 20th Bristol Company. I wanted to ask him out on stage half way during the service to say a few words, but realised that would totally be putting him on the spot, last minute. We did invite him to give away prizes, which he willingly fulfilled.
Mr Clive McIntosh from 20th Bristol
Company giving away prizes

After a long day, the event concluded with the closing prayer by Mr Yee Mun Theam, the Deputy State Commissioner and 1st Kuala Lumpur Company captain. I led in the vesper and it was officially goodbyes from there. Unofficially, I did ask them to stay back to clean up the mess before going and they did that pretty well.

I was zombiefied towards the end and caught a quick nap before going to Kepong to conduct my following duties.

I thank God for such a successful and smooth Founders' Day and all those involved in the organising as well as helping out here and there. Mr Wong Hoe Kit for as the main organiser, the 3rd KL Staff Sergeants which formed the working committee which played multiple roles (SSgt Kodie Low, SSgt, Arvind Gomez, SSgt Bryan Fernandez, SSgt Ng Charn Chuen & SSgt Vaenthan Chellandy), Mr Steven Voo and Mr Sim Guan Jiann for handling the Guard of Honour and the Marching in of Colours, NCOs and reps from all the KL companies for  Mr Terence Tay for allowing us into MCKL to do necessary preparations the night before as well as catering the food, Mr Andrew Tan for translating the message from Mandarin to English, Mr Jonathan Chan who borrowed offering bags from KL Wesley, Mr Derek Chan who helped with PA, the 1st KL Worship team led by LCpl Au Kar Fei for a wonderful time of worship,

Basically, this event showed the when all of us together we can truly excel as all companies helped in this event one way or another. If all of us put in a little more effort we can truly fly! I sincerely hope there will be increased collaboration among us as it will not only be fun, but also be a blessing to many young ones out there.

Group photo of (most of) the participants of the KL State Founders' Day 2012

I MCed during the service. I hope it
went alright.. 
For me, I was just glad I had such a great team.. couldn't ask for better. I didn't have to do much beyond the service and I'm glad I can just leave it to the team from 3rd KL to handle the necessary. Sure, there were a few spats here and there, but overall we understood each other and were still able to work together. One thing I learned to apply was TRUST (meaning to say some people didn't) which I think is necessary as we can't be everywhere. What choice do we have? The other element is faith - that God is in control.
After a few rounds basically doing things alone, I hope people are starting to realised that if it's just me concerned about State activities, we can only go "so far". I was greatly encouraged by the outcome of this event and will certainly push on for more! Praise the Lord for such a smooth day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cheap Skate Cost Saving Idea!

Was looking through the BNTS and ANTS registration forms and noticed that we always ask our campers to bring mess tins without ever using them. So, next time we have a camp or NCOs' Training I'm gonna make them use it.. cancel one meal which the campers need to prepare on their own, just buy the raw ingredients and save cost in the process Nice.. (evil laugh)