Saturday, November 11, 2017

BB Hong Kong's Drill Competition

I was in Hong Kong for work in November 2017. Typically, we'd be busy each day leading up to our biggest conference in the calendar. But in a surprising (but most welcomed) move, we had the day off on 11th November. I took the time to visit the BB in Hong Kong where one of its divisions were having a drill competition. 

I'm not sure if Hong Kong has laws that forbid showing faces of their members.. which is why the photos below don't reveal much of a persons identity. 

The organisers of this event explained the competition was organised to spur up greater interested in drill. Some Companies were able to form their own teams, while smaller companies combined with another for this occasion.

A major difference (apart from the obvious difference in drill commands, which were in English, and movements) was that teams were led by officers - even captains. That's quite a massive culture shock for me. 

Initially, I was thinking of staying for only an hour, but because I found it so interesting, I ended up staying for the entire duration. I was given the privileged of handing out prizes to some of the winners of the competition at the end (which I was extremely reluctant to do .. not that I was a snob, but because I was not well dress - 3rd KL t-shirt and jeans XD). Congratulations to the winners and may they continue to uphold their drill standards! 

My thanks to BBHK staff Mr Kelvin Tsang and Mr Lau of 27th HK Co. for the fantastic hospitality.