Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recruits - how numbers do matter

Some people will tell you that whatever number of recruits you get, it is not about the quantity but it's the quality that matters. While that certainly holds some truth, churning out a good number from a recruitment campaign IS important.

Say, you have 100 members signing up - that is just putting their names and contact details down during recruitment day, half will turn up on the actual meet or parade. The following week, expect a handful to drop out after they find out BB's not exactly that they expected it to be. You can expect that figure to drop by another half by the time you reach Enrolment and Awards Day. By the end of the year, another half - you'll usually end up with about 12. This equation goes on, but on average, of the strong batch of 100 sign-ups in Form 1, 2-3 will stay till form 5.

Recently, 3rd KL's recruitment drive at SMK Taman Desa smashed into a huge stump. Only 17 new faces during the club's first AGM. Based on the progression I just drew up, a maximum of two will stay by the end of the year. By Form 5, only their hair and dry skin will remain.

So does that mean if there happens be to just, say, 10 sign ups.. is it the end of the company? Probably not.

An element of faith - there is a need to remember that God gave us those recruits, no matter how little or how numerous, we still need to give thanks for it. It's difficult to judge how things will turn out in the future. Maybe among 10, one of them will end up becoming the company's captain who'll lead the company to even greater heights the company can only dream about. In fact, most companies started small.. thanks to a bunch of curious dumb kids who honestly have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

Still, no excuse to not do our best! Recruitment does dictate if you have a good 3-4 years as numbers effect delivery of programs (if not enough people in a class, how to start?), manpower and .. well, fun (more friends).

So whatcha waiting for? Get your friends to join BB!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fundraising Dinner and Bringing BB Australia members around

10th January 2010 - A successful fundraising dinner which saw 3rd KL raising RM40,000 for the band to buy more instruments in hope of giving a better performance in the years to come, as well as to give better opportunities for more Boys to pick up an instrument.

The next day, Lawrence and I took 4 BB members from Brisbane, Tim Rogers, Chris, David and Nathan, for a trip to Melaka. We managed to cover the main landmarks, but there was simply not enough time to cover the museums and the variety of food with the time. Still, it was fun hanging out with the Aussies. Learned quite alot from Tim, even on somethings about BBM and even the BB work in Asia.

Interview tomorrow at BBHQ. Hope it goes well!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm back!

Entering the year with great expectations - mostly bad ones, but those that are necessary for the advancement of Christ kingdom.