Thursday, September 30, 2010

3rd KL on the Tele and Newspaper

3rd KL's been getting alot of media attention lately (as if the ones we got for Milk Day weren't enough).. really praise God for that. It's not that I wanna make BB look like we're attention seeking, but as non-profit organisations it is important to highlight ourselves to that the funds come in. Still the focus isn't on fame - the news highlights to me were always just a bonus.

The recent on with our Junior, Dominic, being featured on Project Sunshine, NT7. The segment really increased my perspective for single disabled parents (Dominic's mom is blind) who are still able to find jobs and be as independent as they can. Dominic has not been a burden to the mom, in fact has been helping her alot. Good job Dominic!

Click this link to watch the video which can be found on NTV7.

A snapshot from Project Sunshine 2, Episode 3

The other highlight was that 3rd KL's SMK Taman Desa drill team, which was .. not so recently.. crowned drill champions in school.. was featured on the Sin Chiew Daily (KL Metro section). It's drill commander Charn Chuen was given a lot of publicity. Good thing he's a modest guy.. otherwise his head will be somewhere in the sky now.

Good on you guys! This may be the only moments of fame you'll ever have. Savour it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

KULSEL Basic and Advance NCO Training School 2010

On the 4-6th September 2010, the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor State Councils had a combined NCO Training Course. The committee composing Officers from both State's contributed to the running of this course. In total 248 trainees excluding observers and Officers converged to the National Service campsite in Bidor, Perak. This camp featured both Basic and Advance NCO Training.
I really don't know what to talk about the course. My job was simple - observe the ANTS Head Coach and prepare to fill his shoes in the coming ANTS. So I pretty much had nothing to do but watch and learn. I felt kinda guilty actually, so much so till I decided to pay my own camp fee and not treat this as a working event.

I've gotta say that this bunch was a little different from the two batches I seen before. There were more ... self-centered. Hopefully the participating Companies (who I thank for sending observers - now you know why) can look into developing these areas and make them more caring or to at least give-a-damn and not let their fellow brother fall while saying "it's not my problem".

I believe this pretty much was a result of the lack of bonding. If they technically aren't friends, they won't bother looking out for a stranger (though they still should). I think several factors attributed to this - the fact that English and Mandarin speaking members were not separated and the fact the squads were too big (15 members per squad). Perhaps this is something we can be more firm on in the future..

Mr. Lim Chong Ho, Captain of 1st Teluk Intan Company and the Deputy Perak State Commissioner for the closing ceremony

Mr Cheong Sing Yuen, KL State Commissioner as the Guest of Honour for Opening Ceremony

Well, apart from that I'm glad to see more Officers take part for this important annual event - but certainly could do with even more (apparent there are 200 Officers in KL-Selangor). It was a different perspective walking around to see the various Coaches teach with different styles. I think I'm ready to be head coach now.. (fingers crossed). The next ones will be in Perak in November with another one being planned in March in Johor. This makes a total of FIVE ANTS courses running during the month of March 2011. Busy times ahead.

NCO Training is one of two of my main jobs. This year's one is the second successive ANTS held by KL State Council while the first for Selangor (this first BNTS Selangor co-organised for awhile). My hope is that in the future, both State Councils will be able to organise their own ANTS and BNTS independently. The number of participants in this camp was pretty overwhelming.. so much so that it greatly affected bonding and regrettably the level learning as well. The fact that the high number of participants affected learning also means that we need to limit numbers of participants in the following years. But I'd hate to see people loose out.. so the only solution is if all State Councils will have their own ANTS and BNTS in the future. God willing, this will all take place within a year.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3rd KL Leaders Retreat

It's been donkey year's since I've been for a Company Retreat for the obvious reason that I've been away in Australia. OCF Retreats are different from BB ones - it's more of a workshop cum fellowship trip (maybe that's just Clayton..). BB retreats focus more r
eflecting on it's programmes and what to do next year and beyond.

The past few retreat's I had with 3rd KL is always at Fraser's (cause it's someones favourite spot). This year we headed to somewhere different for a change - Melaka. We stayed at the Wesley Methodist Church Melaka hostel and had our meetings there. It was a pretty rushed retreat as it was still a school day, compromising on meeting times. Perhaps we'll make it on a holiday for sure next time.. which in turn requires the E&A (for promotion of NCOs) to happen earlier as well.

To me the retreat has several main objectives.
1. To evaluate the past
2. To know where/how we are at present
3. Plan for the future.. like 3 years ahead
4. To realise why we are serving in BB
5. To fellowship and enhance relationship with one another
6. To have fun and get away from work

I can't say for sure if we have achieved all our objectives, but we definitely knew how to move ahead. Hopefully, we'll see a stronger 3rd KL in time to come.. blessing the needs of many Boys in the future.

We had some time to explore the town.. which I've been to so many times. But it was only the second time I was there for the weekend.. when it was far more happening than the weekdays. Unfortunately, I was holed up in the restaurant waiting for the 2nd Melaka Officers who got stuck in traffic on the way to the riverview restaurant. Still, it was a great view.. Melaka is definitely getting prettier year after year.

Great view from the restaurant. Picture snapped by me by the way!

Satay Kelup! Too bad these kids ain't fond of it. They wanted McDonalds! GOSH.

Well, 3rd KL.. hopefully God will continue to lead us and sustain us.