Monday, December 5, 2011

3rd KL Year End Camp

I participated in 3rd KL's Year End Camp cum Band Camp at Chefoo Centennial Methodist Center at Cameron Highlands, which was held from 3-7th December 2011, though I only joined them on the 2nd Day at night. We took to longer route to Cameron's via Kampung Tanjong (which I honestly thought would be faster) and ended up reaching Camerons later than expected. Upon arriving, I was greeted by a bunch of Boys, some which looked tired after a long day of activities, in the hall rehearsing songs which were to be presented just a week later during a public Christmas event hosted by the Selangor State Government. 

The night was young when I arrived. In fact, the plan was to catch them in time to go for the Camerons Night market. After that, I was meant to conduct devotion and vesper that night which we based on a movie, Facing the Giants. Despite some extensive preparation, I found my "preaching" skills quite rusted and require more practice. I also gave the Boys a good old fashion time-challenge as I found their standards of tidiness grossly under-par, in particular the way the arranged their shoes outside the hall (no shoes allowed in the hall). As a BB Company, it is good to give them these reminders once in a while.. not have a "fun" camp and forget everything else.   

Heading up and down to a trail - apparently they went the wrong way

And up they go into the abyss! 

The next morning the Boys had an interesting 4-5 hour walk along the great tracks of Brinchang Hill. Yen Mun and I only walked them to the entrance of the trail.. though we initially planned to follow them, laziness got the better of us. We joined Lawrence and Joe Wong at Berinchang Town instead for a nice breakfast, shopping for items the NCOs needed to conduct games and enjoyed a nice piece of durian! 

It wasn't all fun and games for me either. I was requested to head up to Camerons to support the officers in keeping more eyes on the Boys. That didn't mean that I could stop working with my job at the KL FTO. I brought my laptop and monitor to Camerons and spent significant hours working on various assignments during my stay there. It almost seemed "anti-social" but that was how it was.

The Boys getting briefed of a game

The camp committee - made out of Form 4s conducting a night program

An interesting highlight of the trip was the Boys helping out in community work by assisting the Local Town Council clearing up overgrowth and rubbish along one of the Cameronian Trails. It was good exposure for the Boys as these program helped instill a sense of selflessness. All of them were cramped unto a truck like cattle on the way there and back. 

The Boys clearing up one of trails

Band session 

Character and Team Building Games 

What I particularly liked about this camp was that it was organised by the Form 4s (aged 16 or 17 if they were in removed classes). Most are Privates and have not been given the opportunity to show what they are made off. This camp certainly has given them a chance to shine and most would stand a chance in getting promoted. But ranks alone is not what it is about, BB is here to train leaders and getting the younger ones involved will boost experience and sharpen skills necessary in becoming a model citizen. 

This camp was also laying the foundations for the highly (over-emphasised) Pesta which will be held Kulai, Johor in June 2012. So.. we're back to this Pesta madness. God help us all. 

Read 3rd KL article here.

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