Sunday, June 30, 2013

Visit to 1st Penang Company

After attending 8th Penang's Enrolment Service in the morning, I adjourned to another Penang company in the afternoon. The company in reference was the 1st Penang Company, the first and oldest BB company in Malaysia. Based at the Trinity Methodist Church Penang, a church under the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC), which is one of the main reasons why I singled out a visit to this company instead of the dozen others around. This year, I was appoint the BB rep by TRAC.. so basically was trying to know the BB companies in TRAC better. 

It's a regular BB parade for 1st Penang. They meet on Sundays from 3pm to after 6pm. Some of their members come from as far as Kulim, Kedah. What dedication! 

I wasn't used to Sunday parades. I always thought it'd be better to sleep after church before a long week at work (or school, for those still studying). So the fact these kids and officers come back and put in a long Sunday (remember, they attend church in the morning) is really something to marvel upon. 

Mr Wan Chang Da, captain of 1st Penang Company

I joined their opening parade, singspiration, Christian Education and drill program. It was great to note that despite being a relatively smaller company, there were no cutting of corners - uniform inspection was thoroughly done and attendance scrutinized. Came singspiration, the LCD projector went dead, so it was back to the old school hymn book which worked out pretty well. Dr Khoo was sharing on the values of discipline during devotions.

Dr Khoo, Honorary Captain 

1st Penang was the faced several complications as members of TRAC, which has a ruling that no girls be allowed to join the BB (except Primers). Also, The Girls' Brigade shares the same first company.. but 8 years earlier, which is why GBM is desperate to reestablish 1st Penang GB. However, manpower issues have traditionally plagued this church.. affecting both the BB and GB. For this reason, the GB has revived and closed at least twice in the last decade. There is no clear solution to this (apart from Star Wars style cloning) as most ministries anywhere (unless you are a "cool" megachurch) are experiencing the same problem - lack of people willing to serve. Even 1st Penang BB is limited to only three officers. However, I believe given time and perseverance the situation will improve and the Brigade ministries will flourish once more in 1st Penang.   

After hearing much about 1st Penang (how could I not, we need to teach 1st Penang.. founded in 1946 at Madras Lane Chinese Methodist Church, founded by Mr Robert G Davis and Mr Geh Hun Kheng at least twice every year), it was great to be finally be meeting the whole company on it's home grounds. 

The Senior Drill Team preparing for Penang State Council Drill Competitions

The Junior are also sending the team.. apparently the only Junior team participating. They will be going head to head with the Seniors

8th Penang Enrolment Service 2013

My second day in Penang, having spent the night at Chinese Methodist Church Air Itam. It was a pleasant Sunday morning on the streets with an old rustic scene, as though looking through a window to the past. Motorcycles, cars and people cramming unto the streets for morning shopping in the markets and breakfast, buzzing away in the Hokkien dialect, it was truly another world from KL. It was quite an interesting set up to what was to come later that morning.

CMC Air Itam is the sponsoring authority of the 8th Penang Company Boys' Brigade and the 4th Penang Company Girls' Brigade, which so happen to be having their Enrolment Service. 

It was a packed church compound with Boys getting last minute uniform parts from their NCOs and practices for Guard of Honour were under away. All familiar scenes in any BB company. 

Warrant Officer Lim Chong Kiat, the Parade Commander for the Guard of Honour

It was a joint Guard of Honour, one of the first complete ones I've seen. Normally a BB-GB Enrolment will have an equal mix from both forming 1 GOH, but in 8th Penang BB and 4th Penang GB's case, they had enough members to form two complete GOHs. The rest of their members falled-in for review at the rear of the GOH. 

8th Penang is one of (or probably is) the biggest BB companies in Peninsula Malaysia. With 270 Boys and Officers present for Enrolment Service and a recorded membership of 350 spread out among their three schools - SMJK Chung Ling Penang, SMK Air Itam and SMK Sacred Heart. The 4th Penang Girls' Brigade, at one point was the biggest Girls' Brigade company in Malaysia.

Impressive membership at 8th Penang BB and 4th Penang GB

Marching in of the Colours

Awesome praise and worship 

The chaplain giving away promotions and appointments

Mr Teh Gim Beng, Captain of the 8th Penang Company

It was a typical Enrolment Service, but come to think about it, it was probably the first Chinese-language Enrolment I've ever attended. The message of the day was delivered in Mandarin. Fortunately, my good friend Mr Teh Gim Beng was doing direct translations alongside the pastor. Unfortunately.. he translated to Hokkien.

The enrolment ceremony took place after the promotions of NCOs and appointment of officers. This was one thing they did different from most companies, which do their enrolment parts in one go. This company promoted NCOs and straight away enrolled them, followed by the officers in the same manner. Still, it all works out the same.

Since it was rare for all the BB and GB members from all the schools to come together, a "fun day" was organised after the Enrolment Service, with members staying on until 5pm when Enrolment ended at 1pm. It was a great honour to be present with them this day. Cheers 8th Penang!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

4th Stedfast Regional Games

I was in Penang from 29th June to 1st July 2013. Initially, it was my intention to drive and visit some of the Methodist TRAC BB companies on the way. But coincidentally, all of them were off or having a form of special program. So I decided to save money and took the bus instead. Why did it have to be that particular weekend? Because the Stedfast Association was having their 4th Regional Games.

2nd Penang and 3rd Butterworth combined (or might as well be known as the Penang State Council) Pipeband

I did not take part in the games personally - missed the registration deadline twice. But I was happy just to catch up and have fellowship during their dinner. This event was organised for the Stedfast Associations in the region, which includes Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Penang, Kuching and Ipoh. 

This years games is hosted by SA Penang, led by it's President Mr (Henry?) Goh, who is also the founder of 8th Penang Company. SA Penang worked hand-in-hand with Penang State Council BB, which handled many of the programs and logistics. Feedback from all my associates who attended the event was highly positive. So, kudos to the Penangites!

Mr Michael Yei, SAKL President

Reverend Paul Christie, Wesley Methodist Church Penang pastor and 2nd Penang BB chaplain

Mr Goh, SA Penang President

A former 4th Penang BB member sharing his testimony

Despite being out and away from BB for a long time, all of them stood in attention as the Last Post was played, marking the end to this year's games. 

The dinner event was held in Wesley Methodist Church Penang. which also happens to be the sponsoring authority of the 2nd Penang Company, the second oldest BB company in Malaysia. 

12th KL Enrolment Service 2013

Another early day, 7.30am from home - yet not early enough to be on time for the event of the morning which was 12th KL's Enrolment Service. I took the LRT from my office in Sungai Besi all the way to Sentul. Good thing it was the same line. It seemed like just yesterday I went for 12th KL's Enrolment and Awards Day in Wesley Methodist Church Kepong last year. How time flies. Today's event takes place on a Saturday at their school base, Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur. They choose a Saturday this time around as the church was not able to house so both the BB and the congregation at one go. With 12th KL's sudden increase of member's this year.. and trying to encourage parents to come.. having it in the school proved necessary. 

Anyway, as usual I missed the Guard of Honor. Mr Nicholas Yeap, the company's captain was the MC and giving a speech when I walked in. Looks like I'm the only non-12th KL BB personnel around. Oh well. 

12th KL's Captain, Mr Nicholas Yeap giving a speech

I've constantly been impressed by 12th KL eversince the change to it's current captain. It is essentially a ONE-OFFICER company, last year was managing about 50-60 members. This year, WMSKL made it compulsory for all Form 1s to join the BB. Membership skyrocketed to 150 (on paper). Just when one might expect to struggle, they seem to be adapting well and are able to maintain their Boys' interest in the BB programs.

Happy faces!

Pastor Tan Chew Mae giving out awards and promotions. She seemed quite experienced with Brigade Enrolment. I wonder if she was in GB before..

Testimonial by one of the 12th KL Boys

It was a packed program with speeches, testimonials, a sketch, singing and of course the usual giving out of awards and promotions, not forgetting the Enrolment pledge itself. This year also the first milestone for 12th KL for producing it's first Sergeant, completing the NCOs Council. It is truly encouraging to see!

Newly promoted Sergeant Jason Pereira receiving his sash

The first two Sergeants of 12th KL, the other being Sergeant Yip Wei Jian

Enrolment of officers, teacher advisers and instructors

2013/2014 NCOs Council 

Looking forward to more great things from 12th KL. Will pray for more volunteers to step forward - or to see their NCOs turn officers in the near future!

 Marching out of the 12th KL colours

12th KL group photo

Sunday, June 16, 2013

1st Klang Enrolment Service 2013

On an early sleepy morning of 16th June 2013, I took the long drive from my doubly-sleepy town of Seri Kembangan for a 45 minute drive westward towards Klang. This day, the 1st Klang Company was having it's Enrolment Service. Due to start at 8.15am, I was just a minute late.. but late enough to miss the Guard of Honour. I did manage to catch them fall out though. It was a bit of a dejavu moment as I was here 7 years ago for their 2006 Enrolment. Some of the NCOs then are now officers. Lolz. 

1st Klang was founded in 1957 by a Captain Peter Dawson (presumably a British Soldier) and Reverend Ronald Buttler-White, but the the 1st Klang we see today is a reformed company, being reorganised in 1996, having ceased operation due to some confidential reasons not appropriate to mention here. 

Many outstanding leaders have gone through the ranks since, making 1st Klang one of the model companies in BB Malaysia. They placed highly in Pesta and Selangor Drill Competitions, consistency being champions of the State. Their brass band last took part in Pesta in 2006 and will be participating in the Band Festival Concert. They are well established in ACS Klang and this year acquired Wesley Methodist School Klang, the school they conduct meetings in. 1st Klang is currently being captained by Mr Allen Tham, a professional auditor since 2010,  having replaced Mr Terrence Tan who has relocated to Kuching by Nestle whom he works for. 

Marching in of the 1st Klang Colours

Reverend Ashok Amarasingham conducting the Enrolment Service

1st Klang NCOs reenrollming for another year

Well, enrolments are pretty standard.. so I'm not sure how to make reporting on one anymore interesting unless something is really out of the ordinary. They did have a band performance and video presentation. A surprised for me was seeing Dr Ting Cheh Sing at the service. He so happened to be around to attend a TRAC executive board meeting and availed himself to speak at 1st Klang's Enrolment Service

Dr Ting, the Honorary Captain of 1st Ipoh giving the day's sermon

1st Klang band performing

I was made it a point to attend this enrolment for two reasons, the first was to pass some tickets and posters of the band concert festival for them to advertise and invite friends.. the second was to show some encouragement as TRAC BB representatives. The following few weeks, I'll be visiting other TRAC BB companies.

All in all, I was happy to see 1st Klang company, after they had a rough transition time as many officers left fro studies and work. I pray that the company will continue to grow from strength to strength.

1st Klang group photo

Saturday, June 8, 2013

4th KL Band Fundraiser

4th KL and St. Mary's Secondary combined brass band

4th KL Boys' Brigade held a joint band performance wit the St. Mary's Secondary School band at the Luther Centre, Petaling Jaya for a fundraiser. I attended it with a few 3rd KL officers before being flanked on the same row of seats by a few Boys from 1st KL.

They played well, playing favorite tunes like selections from the movie Totoro. I didn't stay for the whole show as I wasn't feeling well. But congratulations to 4th KL for fixing up a great show.

I was however concerned with the lack of attendees. There are just too many BB fundraisers going around. I think Nationally and State wide, we need to think of a more effective way to raise funds and dividing them, rather than splitting resources and "competing" with ourselves. I wonder if we can figure out something.. hmm.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Visit to the USS Blue Ridge

We got another chance to visit and go on-board a US Navy vessel, this time the USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), which is the Command Ship for the US Navy's Seventh Fleet. I joined 3rd KL once again on this outing, this time in BB uniform, bringing along 13 others. Mr Lawrence Tay was also one of the accompanying officers on this trip. 

We gathered outside SMK Taman Desa at 7.30am (well, most of us) but only departed for Port Klang at 8.00am. The ship was anchored at the Glen Cruise Terminal, the same one USS Carl Vinson docked at two years ago

We were hosted by two gentlemen, PO1 Bobby and PO2 Andrew (can't remember their surnames). PO stands for Petty Officer, 1 for First Class and 2 for Second Class, which are the Navy's NCOs. 

PO1 Bobby giving a tour of the Blue Ridge at their "museum section", which is also the section  Fleet's CO enters or exits the ship 

Forecastle, where chains to the ships anchor is raised or dropped

On the deck

The ship has a rich history and has seen service in the Vietnam War. Yet, it didn't feel old surprisingly, compared to the relatively newer Carl Vinson. I guess having an Admiral has an effect. It was nicely air conditioned too. 

Flight Deck with it's full complement of two Seahawk hilos. 

Being a command ship, their primary function (presumably) is the coordination of missions for ships and units of the US Seventh Fleet. There were a lot of radars and communication devices mounted on the ship, much more than any other vessel I've seen in pictures within the US Navy arsenal. I suppose thanks to that most of the crew get to enjoy unrestricted internet access too. There was detachment of marines on aboard as well. Apparently the Navy and Marine people don't interact much.. interesting.

Bridge. Andrew is showing us what he primary job on the ship, which is steering the ship. 

Mess hall. The food smelled pretty good.. can't actually sense the  parmesan cheese

Full view of the ship. Yeah, it looks small thanks to the massive cruise ship beside it. 

Posing with Bobby and Andrew, our guides for the day. They were extremely friendly!

After an hour on aboard, we were quite impressed with ship and the crew's hospitality. We would like to thank them for allowing us on board as well as extending thanks to Mr Ivan Christie, one of the YMCA Board members for connecting for this trip.