Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3rd KL Company Year End Camp 2010

The day didn’t start as well as planned. Was to head to the LCCT to fetch Lawrence who’s fresh back from a trip in Medan. Got a shattered windscreen from a rogue rock kicked up from a white Estima in front of me. Had to send the car in. But we were soon on our way again as I picked up my dad’s van.

The Boys were in Gua Tempurung for a caving excursion while Lawrence and I were en route to Ipoh, allowing me to save the trip there for another time. I received good feedback on the place. We both reached Wesley Methodist Church Ipoh within 2 hours and the Boys were just settling in. There wasn’t much to do for the rest of the day, so we spent our time at night at Ipoh Parade, catching a movie – Tron Legacy. Pretty gay show, but interesting concept. An odd 49 of us packed out the cinema, probably the most number of people I’ve ever been to cinema with.

The next day we attend the main church service at 8.15am. We were given a warm welcome by the church and it’s pastor, Timothy. Our Boys gave a song presentation led by Mr Lawrence.

I took the opportunity after church to hand out with the 1st Ipoh Officers and Primers at a nearby coffee shop before heading off again at 11.15am towards Sitiawan. Lunch was sponsoured by a friend of Mr Lawrence who once lived in Sitiawan. It was a unique Foo Chow lunch at the Ah Hing Restaurant. We immediately checked into the Sitiawan Wesley and got a good rest before moving out yet again to Chin Hock Chinese Methodist Church to have fellowship with the 2nd Manjung Company. I managed to finally meet Madam Lau Wai Hong who I’ve been dealing with via BB Shop for a long time. At Chin Hock both Companies played sports, singspiration, ad a wonderful dinner and play games. Fellowship was great and hopefully these new friendships made will go a long way among our Boys/members. I wasn’t that socialable that night, going off earlier as I was pretty drained out from all the driving. The Boys came back to Sitiawan Wesley at 10.30pm. I had to wake up from my evening “nap” to lead in the vesper before out somewhere nearby for supper.

The next day I skipped breakfast, deciding to opt for a seemingly more worthwhile extra hour of sleep. During morning devotion, Lawrence preached after the singspiration led by Sean Au. Next up, we headed direct for Lumut to take a ferry over to Pangkor. We checked into Seagull Resort just in time for lunch, rested for a hour before heading out again for the beach. The resort manager, Mr Tan, promised us a private beach. I was imagine the truly private and serene beach I went to once in 1997. This one was anything but private. It seems like the OBS were based there, the place was dirty and the water more salty than usual (I suspect the fishing trawlers dumped fish blood into nearby waters). However, all that did not curb our lust for a swim. We were joined by our Captain Mr Tan Chee Keong, Terence Tay and – a big surprise – Huey Ding who just came back from the United States. Towards the night we headed to a Chinese restaurant in Pangkor town. After dinner a dozen of us went for an hour of good fun in the cybercafé playing CounterStrike (there was nothing at all to do in Pangkor at night). Great fun.

Headed back to resort and had a good Ramly and ikan goring supper with Ding, Terence and Han Sheng. The next morning I shared the devotion talking once again about fellowship, spreading the spirit of friendship as well as the importance of working together as according to 1 Corinthians 12. Right after devotion me and Ding said our goodbyes and left the Company for the ferry, reaching KL at 4.30 having left at 11am.

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