Saturday, September 28, 2013

Judging in GB's KLFT Junior Drill Competition

On 28th September 2013, I was called upon by our friend's at The Girls' Brigade Malaysia to be one of their judges for their Junior Footdrill Competition, organised by their Selangor-Federal Territories Group Council. I was roped in together with Giok Hui (1st PJ BB Captain) and Choy YIng (GBM Training Coordinator), who as the chief judge. There were four teams, one from 1st KL, one from 4th KL and 2 teams from 1st PJ. 

1st KL GB Team

GB's Junior wear the same, if not similar uniforms with their Seniors and Pioneers. Cadets have another type of uniform (there was one cadet competing). It was a new experience for me, not that I have no judged for Junior BB teams before. There is always a dilemma - should I "reduce" my drill standards, knowing they are Juniors, who usually have lower standards of drill? Or should I just maintain the standard I was always used to. After some deliberation, I found that the best way is to always maintain ones drill standard, not "shift" or have double-standards for various groups. It is more consistent that way. 

4th KL GB Team reporting for inspection

But one can't help admire the cutest with Juniors. Okay, I have to be careful saying it like that here cause it's judging for girls.. but I assume readers know what I am talking about when I said cute and be more innocent minded about it. So, yes, they are so small and young .. but its adorable seeing them try their best to march in sync and executing commands together and correctly. 

My partner in crime, judging in this competition

Naturally, Giok Hui and I can't help in the uniform inspection since I have no clue how the GB uniform works (though I think I should), hence don't know what to look out for. Giok Hui started of in GB back in 1st Kota Bahru, but it has been too long and she's not familiar with changes in the uniform. We both of us were able to sit back for this one.

Choy Ying carrying out uniform inspection for one of 1st PJ's drill teams

All the teams did well, though I do feel they could tap on some experience from their BB brothers, who generally have higher standards of drill (no offence, but its true for now). GB Drill competitions are also a fairly recent thing and a way to keep the standard going is to have more of such competitions annually. The idea and goal of such competitions is not to show "who is the best" anyway, but to encourage better standards of drill.

(Forgottenwhatshername) announcing the competition results 

At the end of the day, results came to be:
1st Place - 1st KL
2nd Place - 1st PJ
3rd Place - 1st PJ
4th Place - 4th KL 

Best Commander - 1st PJ

Participants celebrate as the results are announced

1st KL officers celebrate after their team was announced winners  

1st KL Drill Team winners of 2013

Great effort by all the participating teams and congratulations to 1st KL GB for winning 1st Place. 

Best Commander goes to 1st PJ, posing with 1st PJ Advisor, Lee Fuang 

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