Saturday, October 5, 2013

Together We Are One - KL State Founder's Day 2013

Founder's Day! The day we commemorate the existence of the Founder and show appreciate for his life, enabled by the Lord, whose vision gave birth to The Boys' Brigade and eventually all other uniformed-youth movements around the world. As a Boy while still in my blues, this event used to be one of the National/Battalion events I looked forward too, mainly because we got to see other BB companies. For me, this date is also a cruel reminder how time flies.. it really felt like it was just yesterday we did the previous Founder's Day at MCKL.  

This yea'r Founder's Day was held at the St. Gabriel's Anglican Church, home of the 4th KL company. It was initially supposed to be held in KL Wesley, but we were able to secure the venue. To me, this was a blessing in disguise as it is good to try different venues for Founder's Day. 

Founder's Day 2013 Banner

It was the morning of the 5th October 2013, just one day after the 130th BB Day. I was in-charge of the Guard of Honour. Unfortunately, half the companies came late and we were only able to start rehearsals at 9am - the time the event was supposed to begin. I'm glad to say that all KL State companies were represented in the Guard of Honour (with the exception of the brand new 13th KL which was recently approved by Brigade EXCO, which doesn't yet have uniforms). So yes, all KL State companies were present! 1st KL, 2nd KL, 3rd KL, 4th KL, 6th KL, 10th KL, 12th KL, 13th KL and 1st Seremban. I believe this is the first time all companies in KL State have come together in a long, long time. Praise the Lord! 

Colour Party led by Mr. Darryn Chiew of 2nd KL 

I was leading the KL State Council Guard of Honour, with only 0 minutes, (yes, no typo there) to practice, it was a major rush. To make matters worse, more than half of them were in a GOH for the first time. I had to perform the first magic trick of the day, which was to train up in a GOH-ready team in 30 minutes. 

KL State Council Guard of Honour

It was unavoidably messy and barely acceptable. I haven't led a GOH since 3rd KL's 2010 E&A. I did the biggest mistake of the day by forgetting to "Tutup Barisan" and reforming the line to three ranks. Quite a major embarrassment, but I hardly had time to ponder as we needed to move on to the next programs for the day. 

Me reporting to Mr. Tony Chow, KL State Commissioner

An overflowing sanctuary

The event proceeded on with a group photo session, then praise and worship led by 10th KL. This event, we took the opportunity to give prizes to the recent winner of the Writing Competition, which main prize was an iPad, 2nd Prize a Windows Surface, with the winning company receiving a LCD projector. It a bold and risky experiment, not to mention costly, but the prized did attract 57 articles from all the KL State companies. Surely, it was worth it. The special presentations was followed by Special Awards, where Founder's, President's and Gold Awards were given.

Winners of the Writing Competition and T-Shirt Design

Sergeant Au Kar Fei receiving his President's Award

After the formalities, the invited speaker and 6th KL chaplain, Pastor Joe Loon, presented his sermon and testimony. I wasn't in the hall most of the time as I was coordinating several things, but Pastor Joe shared about his life, formerly being a 4th KL member. 

The State Colours resting at the alter. Nice shot. 

During the sermon, the Junior were split and went to a nearby hall to have their own session. We got an entertainer, a former-2nd Penang Boy who works in MCKL, Mr. Reuben Chan to conduct the session. Based on the picture, I guess he did very well as it was all smile from the Juniors.

Juniors were given a treat by Mr. Reuben Chan

The last round of events saw telematches organised by 4th KL. It was just something to get the KL State members interact with one another, otherwise, it would've been a real shame to just come and go not making new friends. Not sure if they did make new friends or not in the end, but try we did.


This year we tried to bring back a few old traditions, like selling a event souvenir badge for Founder's Day and also t-shirts. The t-shirt design was via a competition meant to create awareness and excitement for Founder's Day. Initially there were many interested to submit designs, but this lazy generation doesn't have enough stamina. However, we did get a great design by Staff Sergeant Benjamin Yap of 10th KL, who also received his Founder's Award this day. An unintended side effect we discovered was that selling these limited edition stuff could actually cover cost for the event, even a profit. Therefore, I am recommending that we do this every year for similar events. 

Limited Edition KL State Founder's Day 2013 badge. Only 100 pieces were made. 

I set up shop to sell the t-shirts and badges. Felt pretty good actually. Brought out the stereotypical chinaman capitalist-lust within in which I haven't felt for sometime. 

 All in all, a great Founder's Day. And Happy 130th birthday Boys' Brigade. Well done to Mr. Tan Choon Lun, the organising chairman and Boys of the 4th KL company for successfully organising this event. 


At night most of us went for Stedfast Association's Grand BB Reunion Dinner, held at Menara PGRM. There were around 80 tables and it was not only to commemorate the Founder, but to reconnect past members of the BB. A special thanks to SAKL too for allowing KL State to conduct an offering which saw us bring in over RM5700.

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