Saturday, November 2, 2013

Visit to 7th PJ during EMC's Building Fundraiser

On Deepavali Day, while most companies are taking the day off, Emmanuel Methodist Church Petaling Jaya decided to have a fundraiser for its building fund. They are sponsoring authority of one of the newest companies in Selangor - the 7th Petaling Jaya Company (together with the 2nd Petaling Jaya Girls' Brigade). It was one of the companies I helped form, mainly thanks to the PKK of SMK Tropicana, Puan Looi. Trials there in early 2011, but it took 2 years for them to finally get registered with BBM. Praise the Lord for that!

Currently 7th PJ is captained by Mr. Lim Cheng Hin, who is a rank-and-file BB "Boy" from 2nd Penang, was it's captain before and at one point the Penang State Commissioner. I had a moment of laughter when another less experienced BB officer was trying to "educate" Mr. Lim on how to run the BB and annoying telling him what he cannot do. Dude please, Mr. Lim has been in the BB for maybe 40 over years now.. four times older than the Selangor State Council, if anything, he should be teaching all the Selangor noobs how to run the BB. I admire Mr. Lim's humility and service for just being cool about it. 

In this school, BB and GB are actually a single committee.. a model suitable for schools which only allows for one Brigade, though it is possible they might establish two different set ups in the future. 

A few BB & GB members running around

I was late for the fundraiser, but still bought coupons. There was little food left.. so I guess I was just there for the good company. The BB and GB set up a both to tell the public what the ministries were about. There actually several people come inquiry, but 7th PJ only caters to Senior Section. I guess we can expect a few Juniors to show up at other companies.. or could 7th PJ open a Junior Section soon? =)

BB & GB display booth during the fundraising carnival

At the moment the company does not yet have uniforms, but hopefully next year they will be. I'm excited to see this company grow, God willing.

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