Saturday, August 23, 2014

Parade on 23rd August 2014 - Special Visit by Mr. Kenny Lee

It was meant to be just a casual catch up session, but instead I got my old friend, Mr. Kenny Lee from Penang to speak to the Boys. Kenny does marketing for a family-owned business school called EDS which specialises in post-graduate business studies, like MBA programmes. 

Kenny and I knew each other since the days or ICQ (or was it later on, with MSN Messenger?). He started off in the 4th Butterworth Company, making to Sergeant. Unfortunately, the company went defunct, so we transferred to the 14th Penang Company, where he spent the last days in his Blues. Now, he is an officer with the 18th Penang Company. Mr. Lee is also active in politics, where his efforts have earned him a PJK (Pingat Jasa Kemangkuan) for services to the community. 

Kenny shared his life story and BB experience with our Boys, whom unfortunately did not register good attendance. In fact, it might have been the worst attendance 3rd KL has seen - ever. With just about a handful of Senior during closing, many of the Boys went missing after the morning inter-uniform group drill competition in conjunction with Hari Ko-kurikulum. I was disappointed with such displays in attitude, as practically all the afternoon session members from SMK Taman Desa choose not to attend parade despite the events not clashing with one another. This is worrying and something we will definitely need to fix. 

Anyway, congratulations to the SMK Taman Desa BB drill team for once again winning the competition! However, there is an urgent need to examine yourselves as a winner is only as good as his character. Honour and respect is earned, not given. 

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