Monday, March 13, 2017

BBM Elections 2017

So.. I decided to run for Brigade Secretary.

I'm guessing many visiting this site are curious of what sort of person I am. Well, what better way to find out by assessing their track record and BB experience?

I decided to stand because I felt God nudging me to put my professional skills sets and my past BBMHQ experiences to good use for the extension of His Kingdom. My promise to you, the voters, is that you will see BBM (as in the national movement) in a more positive and relevant light, as I plan to restore communications between the top and the grassroots, which in my opinion has been neglected the past couple of years.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish ALL the candidates all the best! Most have excellent credentials and are good people! I really wish all of us can serve together in EXCO (actually through co-opting, we still might be able to).

Though some of us may be "competing" with one another, let us not forget to be friends after this is over! Ultimately. it is about serving our BB members which is most important. Win or lose, let's all continue serving and being to God.

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